BNSF Delivers Record Agricultural Shipments

Did you know BNSF handles more agricultural product shipments than any other U.S. railroad? And we are excited to report that BNSF Railway recorded a record-breaking harvest season, handling a 7% increase in both agricultural volume and velocity compared to last year. “We at BNSF are proud to support the American farmer and our country’s

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Determined MT Dad Gets Town Rolling Again

Gary Boone, a BNSF gang trackman, found an unexpected way to reconnect his community: through roller skating. What started as a father-daughter outing turned into a mission when Boone discovered that Livingston, Montana, no longer hosted community skate nights due to a shortage of functional roller skates. Determined to change that, he rallied volunteers from

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Horses Helping MT Veterans Heal

Horses Spirits Healing (HSH), a nonprofit in Billings, Montana, offers free equine therapy and riding lessons to veterans and their families. Since its founding in 2016, the BNSF Foundation has been a longtime supporter. The program serves as a sanctuary where veterans find peace and purpose through their connection with horses. “If a person is

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Great Falls Fire Department Receives Tank Car Donation

BNSF supports first responders by repurposing equipment for training opportunities. In partnership with SteeleETC, a local Great Falls company that generously donated time and equipment, we recently delivered a Montana Rail Link (MRL) tank car to Great Falls Fire Rescue to enhance their emergency response capabilities. “Acquiring this railcar will assist with getting ‘real world’

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Ingenuity Defies Mother Nature

Montana’s Marias Pass, sitting at 5,213 feet, gets hammered with snowfall—about 250 inches a year. The harsh conditions, including freezing temperatures and frequent avalanches, have made this critical rail route to the Pacific Northwest dangerous for railroaders over the past century. To keep trains moving, BNSF stations snow-fighting equipment in Essex, Montana, using flangers and

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