Supporting Our Communities

The BNSF Railway Foundation invests in the communities across the 28 states through which BNSF operates, and where BNSF employees live, work and volunteer. Recent donations include: Supporting Excellence in Education for Schools in Billings, MT The Education Foundation for Billings Public Schools provides support to educators and students through philanthropy, connection, and collaboration. They

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Employee Spotlight: Israel Salazar

Across its network, BNSF is grappling with an overwhelming increase in homeless encampments along the tracks and on railroad property. In response, BNSF created a community liaison position focused solely on addressing system-wide homeless encampments on BNSF tracks. Israel Salazar, a 26-year employee and BNSF Deputy Police Chief, has been the community liaison since 2017.

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Environmental Protection on Track with BNSF Railway

Rail is the most sustainable way to move goods long distances over land, and BNSF is a recognized leader. Here are just a few ways BNSF makes sure its railroad is part of the solution for a cleaner, healthier planet: Cleaner, Smarter Machines: No other form of land freight transportation is more fuel- and resource-efficient

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BNSF’s Geo Cars Make Tracks Even Safer

BNSF takes every precaution to make sure that all track components including rail, crossties, spikes, bolts and plates and even the roadbed underlying the track are stable and dependable. One of the technologies used for inspecting tracks is its fleet of geometry cars, better known as “geo cars.” There are two types: the traditional geometry

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Supporting Our Communities

The BNSF Railway Foundation invests in the communities across the 28 states through which BNSF operates, and where BNSF employees live, work and volunteer. Recent donations include: Celebrating with Students in Difficult Times The Goshen County School District based in Torrington, WY is committed to preparing students to become career and college ready citizens. The

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Employee Spotlight: Anna Delheimer

When communities want to deliver infrastructure projects that cross, intersect or parallel BNSF’s network in some way, BNSF’s Public Projects team is the point of contact. Manager of Public Projects Anna Delheimer acts as a liaison between public agencies and the railroad for projects in Idaho, Montana, and North Dakota. Delheimer plays a key role

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Women Make a Difference for Safety at BNSF

BNSF’s safety vision is that every accident or injury is preventable and that requires a culture of commitment, resources, training, tools and technology. BNSF recently highlighted some examples of how women are putting their stamp on workplace safety. Jessa Shepard, division engineer, Billings, Montana, joined BNSF in 1997 in the track maintenance department, working to

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In the Community

The BNSF Railway Foundation invests in the communities across the 28 states through which BNSF operates, and where BNSF employees live, work and volunteer. Recent donations include: Honoring the First Woman Voter Louisa Gardner Swain made history when on the morning of September 6, 1870, she became the first woman in the world to cast

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Recognizing the Contributions of Women in the Rail Industry

Women’s History Month, observed in the United States each March since 1987, provides the opportunity to reflect on the contributions of women to our world. Women have been involved in railroading since the 1800s. Some of the first railroad jobs they held were as registered nurses and what was referred to at the time as

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When Temperatures Drop, We Don’t Stop

Mid-February’s arctic outbreak brought a deep freeze to much of the nation. Worse, it was not just one event, but back-to-back winter blasts, including Winter Storm Uri, which delivered blinding white snow driven by high winds, coupled with icy precipitation. Temperatures dropped below zero. Power and water outages across the Midwest and South crushed communities,

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BNSF Provides First Responders Winter Weather Training in the Flathead Valley

As part of our ongoing commitment to safety, BNSF conducted hands-on winter weather training with first responders in the Flathead Valley in early March. About 30 participants gained techniques to safely respond in the unlikely event of an incident involving crude oil trapped under the ice. The free training was open to all first responders

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In the Community

The BNSF Railway Foundation invests in the communities across the 28 states through which BNSF operates, and where BNSF employees live, work and volunteer. Recent donations include: Reducing Methamphetamine Use in Montana The Montana Meth Project is a large-scale prevention program aimed at reducing first-time teen methamphetamine use through public service messaging, public policy and

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Best in Snow: Check Out These Amazing Winter Shots of BNSF Trains in Action

In the midst of the many challenges people have faced in the past several months, it’s good to know that some things never change. BNSF trains keep moving freight, and railfans keep capturing magnificent images of them, even in cold winter weather. We’ve scoured the entries from this year’s Winter Photo Contest to find the

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Celebrating Black History Month: Railroading Pioneers

Black Americans made significant and lasting impacts on the railroading industry. Please join us in celebrating the innovations of two such leaders: Andrew Jackson Beard and Elijah McCoy. Andrew Jackson Beard (1849-1921) Andrew Jackson Beard lived an extraordinary life as a Black inventor born in the 1800s. Beard revolutionized railroad safety with his invention of the

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BNSF Announces 2021 Capital Investments Plan

BNSF Railway announced its 2021 capital investment plan of $2.99 billion USD. This year’s capital plan focuses on projects that support the company’s growth and efficiency objectives, while maintaining a strong and reliable railroad. “Every year through our capital plan, we work to ensure we are able to continue to operate a safe and efficient

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