Meet the Safety Employees of the Year

Each year, BNSF hosts the “Employee of the Year” program, celebrating the employees who best demonstrate BNSF’s vision and values through their commitment and leadership, as well as their focus on working safely and efficiently to meet and exceed customer expectations. This year, four employees from across our major operations teams were each awarded the

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Protecting the Environment Is in Our Nature

At BNSF, we’re proud to drive a strong economy while simultaneously reducing our impact on the environment. With track stretching across the country, it’s imperative our operations can support and coexist with healthy ecosystems. “Regardless of whether it’s a tiny toad, a bird or a bear, we want to be responsible stewards of nearby habitat,”

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A Barn for Wolves

The BNSF Foundation strives to support and improve the quality of life in the communities served by BNSF Railway. Recently, the foundation donated $6,000 towards an agricultural barn for Moorcroft High School in Moorcroft, Wyoming. Agriculture teacher and Future Farmers of America advisor Hugh Jenkins plans to use the structure as a space to teach

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BNSF Celebrates and Supports Its Female Workforce

Women’s History Month, observed in March (since 1987) in the United States, provides the opportunity to reflect on the contributions of women to our world. Thanks to a supportive and innovative work environment, many women have found a rewarding career track at BNSF. Women have been involved in railroading since the 1800s. Some of the

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New App Makes Getting Wind Data a Breeze

At certain speeds and conditions, wind can be strong enough to knock unloaded coal and grain cars off the track. Stacked, empty containers can act like a sail, literally lifting the cars. Damaging winds can also blow down power lines and trees or propel other obstructions into a train or its path. BNSF has a network

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Snowplow Operators: BNSF’s Winter Warriors

Snowplows are a crucial piece of BNSF’s Winter Action Plans to keep trains moving and protect employee safety. Snowplow season generally starts during November, and in some higher-altitude or more northern sections of our network, can last into April. BNSF’s Jordan Spreaders, Russell snowplows or “Fliers,” and rotary snowplows have been hard at work all winter to keep

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Supporting Our Communities

The BNSF Railway Foundation invests in the communities across the 28 states through which BNSF operates and where BNSF employees live, work, and volunteer. Recent donations include:   Nurturing Successful Young Adults Through Land Conservation By weaving together leadership development, teamwork, civic engagement, work skills training, and direct service to lands and communities, Montana Conservation Corps

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Ice and Oil: BNSF Provides Hands-on Training for First Responders

Part of BNSF’s commitment to transporting freight safely involves training employees, first responders, and contractors for unlikely events that involve hazardous materials. During a recent training in Bonner County, Idaho, BNSF provided a group of 42 local first responders and contractors with practical experience and techniques to safely respond to an incident involving oil trapped

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Leaders Count: A Conversation with Tom Williams

How is BNSF adapting to meet evolving consumer demands? What technologies is BNSF implementing to make the shipping process safer, more reliable, and cost-effective for its customers? How does BNSF rise to the challenge of supply chain congestion? Rail Talk had a conversation with Tom Williams, group vice president of Consumer Products, about what elements

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Supporting Our Communities

The BNSF Railway Foundation invests in the communities across the 28 states through which BNSF operates and where BNSF employees live, work, and volunteer. Recent donations include: Helping a Community Devastated by Fire In December 2021, a fast-moving fire in Fergus County burned more than 10,000 acres, damaged at least 25 homes, and destroyed the grain elevators

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Snow Sheds: A Cool Way to Protect Tracks

Technology first created in the late 1800s continues to be the most practical solution to nature’s extremes. Snow sheds, which are structures with sloped roofs that deflect snow over the top of long sections of track, help keep snowfall from blocking major lines and protect trains from being toppled by avalanches without warning. BNSF has

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Montana Rail Link and BNSF Announce Agreement to Terminate Lease

Montana Rail Link (MRL) and BNSF-predecessor, Burlington Northern, created a unique lease arrangement in 1987 in which MRL leases and operates the mainline track between Huntley, Montana and Sandpoint, Idaho. BNSF has entered into an agreement with MRL to terminate the existing lease and resume operations and maintenance along this corridor. MRL’s vision was to become

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Supporting Our Communities

The BNSF Railway Foundation invests in the communities across the 28 states through which BNSF operates and where BNSF employees live, work and volunteer. Recent donations include: Constructing New Public Space in Havre, MT Plans for the construction of a town square park are underway in Havre, MT. BNSF Railway Foundation’s contribution of $15,000 to

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Supporting Our Communities

The BNSF Railway Foundation invests in the communities across the 28 states through which BNSF operates, and where BNSF employees live, work and volunteer. Recent donations include: Building Strong Communities Throughout the World and Close to Home United Way advances the common good in communities across the world. The organization focuses on education, income and health—the

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BNSF Employee Spotlight

BNSF operates a vast network of 32,500 miles of track in 28 U.S. states and three Canadian provinces. Moving goods safely means keeping all of those miles of track and other rail structures like bridges in working order, even in the face of wildfires. To do this, BNSF regularly conducts extensive inspections across its network.

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